How can you "stay home" when you don't have a home?
Give now to provide a safe hotel room for someone who is experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Everyone needs a safe place to "stay home." Acadiana's health depends on it.
Right now, our region is seeing:
- A decrease in homeless shelter capacity, due to social distancing requirements. Homeless shelters are at capacity and cannot take new individuals/households
- An increase in need for shelter, due to housing instability in the face of economic downturn, increased domestic violence, and overcrowding.
- A decrease in access to housing and therefore an inability to move individuals out of shelter, due to lack of access to the usual housing and employment resources, etc.
Unfortunately, this results in a lack of adequate shelter for those without safe, decent, affordable housing.
We need the public's help to address this growing issue.
Please donate to ARCH's COVID-19 Emergency Hotel Fund now.